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  How to zoom in and zoom out of financechart2 project
Posted by moon on Jan-24-2020 06:05
Dear Peter Kwan,

I want to zoom in and zoom out of   financechart2 chat, like as the example of Zooming and Scrolling with track line (2) example project.

I have been trying this for last few days.

Can I have the example project or sample code for financechart2+ zooming and scrolling?

Thanks for your help.

  Re: How to zoom in and zoom out of financechart2 project
Posted by Peter Kwan on Jan-24-2020 17:17
Hi moon,

There are a number of finance chart zoom/scroll examples in this forum. (You may try to search for "FinanceChart Zoom".) However, they may not be in C++. (From your earlier message, I think you can using C++.)

I happened to have an C++/MFC example based on the Interactive Financial Chart sample code, and it is extended to support zoom/scroll and track line. I have attached it with this message. To try it, please delete the original "mfcdemo/financedemo" folder, then extract the financedemo folder inside and put it into the mfcdemo folder. You can then start the "ChartDirector/mfcdemo/mfcdemo.sln" Visual Studio solution, set "financedemo" as the start up project, and press compile and run it.

If you are using a different programming language of GUI framework (Qt?), please let me know.

Peter Kwan

42.52 Kb

  Re: How to zoom in and zoom out of financechart2 project
Posted by moon on Jan-24-2020 22:16
Dear Peter Kwan,

I really thank you for quick ad kind response.

According  to your recommends and the zip file
I will try to develop my project.

Again, Thanks a lot!!