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  Multi-Bar Chart with Positive and Negative Bars
Posted by AC on Dec-27-2020 18:58
Hi Peter,

I am trying to create a Multi-Bar Chart, 2 in my case, with Positive and Negative Bars (best example would be Change in OI for Options Calls and Puts) but can't produce it. I am fetching data from database and using VS 2015. Either Call or Put data is being plot, but not both at a time..!!


  Re: Multi-Bar Chart with Positive and Negative Bars
Posted by Peter Kwan on Dec-28-2020 17:14
Hi AC,

There are quite a number of "Multi-Bar Chart" examples included in ChartDirector. You can try to modify the data in those examples with negative values. They should still work.

For example, consider:

The data in the above example are:

Dim data0() As Double = {100, 125, 245, 147, 67}
Dim data1() As Double = {85, 156, 179, 211, 123}
Dim data2() As Double = {97, 87, 56, 267, 157}

If you change some of the values to negative, it will still work.

If the above still cannot solve the problem, is it possible to create a simple example with hard coded data to illustrate the problem?

Peter Kwan